Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A Wild Week

Well this past week was pretty wild. First, on Tuesday, we had to go to migrations for my companion and on the way there he almost threw up and he was pretty sick. We went to the office and all of the missionaries that had to go went in this little bus, and apparently he was throwing up on the way. He came back and we went home to rest and on the way back my stomach started feeling weird again. I started feeling pretty weak and I didn't want to eat anything but we had lessons so we did splits with the elders in our room, and I went with Elder Woolf to the lessons. 

Then on Wednesday in the morning we had leadership meeting and Hermana Amato had cooked this super good food from Brazil that I had asked her to cook called feijoada which has beans with pig and this other really good stuff. Thankfully my stomach felt good enough to eat it but Elder Garcia still was sick. We were trying to think of what made us both sick of what we had eaten because on pday we had eaten Papa Johns and we thought it was that.

Also, on Monday, we visited a lady named Margot Lopez who had come to church on Sunday and she accepted a date for the 29 of February. 

The whole week we were trying to visit Erica who we had found last week, but she only had time in the mornings and we had meetings each day in the morning until Saturday but we visited her and she's doing good. 

Also the whole week we had to do follow up on Alex and Patricia to make sure that they were going to get their papers for their wedding because Alex had ripped all of the papers on Sunday. Thanks to all of the miracles from the Lord, what had taken us almost a month to collect all of the papers we needed for the wedding, we were able to do it again in a week and we had the wedding and baptism on Satuday. There was so much planning stuff that went down for this wedding and I was so lost so we just called the Relief Society and were like, "You guys throw a wedding for them PLEASE because we have no idea what the flip you do in a wedding." So the Relief Society was awesome and they helped put together everything and we had a small wedding at the church. It was just such an awesome thing to see how far Alex, Patricia and their daughter Jennifer had come. We had to fight super hard against the opposition but it was all worth it. 

Alex and Patricia's Wedding

It was just such an incredible feeling that I felt in my chest when I was in the baptismal font with them. Such a strong peace. 

But to kind of end on a sadder note, the family from Venezuela fell. They were all ready to come to church and we had called and confirmed but nothing. They didn't come and we were calling but they wouldn't answer. During the week, the mom Eugenia, had been trying to avoid us or she just wasn't showing up to the lessons because we always asked where she was and everyone told us that she was working so we just focused on teaching the others. We went to their house after church but only Nazarrete and her dad and sister Maria were there. We asked Maria if she wanted to be baptized because she was showing us that she wanted to and she said that no, she didn't want to right now. We pulled Nazarrete aside and we asked her what had happened (Nazarrete is a member) and she told us how about a week ago her mom came home and told the family that they weren't going to the church anymore and that they were going to a different church.  Nazarrete argued with her but she didn't change her mind. It was weird because no one in the family had told us that this had happened because when we would ask how they felt for their baptisms they said that they were excited. We weren't able to talk to all of the family but tonight we are going to talk to the grandma Eusebia because she actually has a lot of desires to  be baptized and we want to save her before its too late. We just didn't realize in time because the mom wasn't talking to us the same way before. SO everyone please pray super hard for Eusebia, Eugenia, Ronal, Maria and Raul that we can go talk to them and that they Lord can touch their hearts. Hope everyone has a good week!

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