Wednesday, March 25, 2020

La Cuarentena

Even though this past week we have been locked in, we have still been able to see some amazing miracles. We have been working hard core with calling every single number of every contact or old investigator that has been taught, and the Lord has prepared people to be taught during this time. 

The first miracle was a family of 5 that my old companion, Elder Garcia and I had been teaching but they had some excuses that they had made about not wanting to get married. We called them and we talked with them and they said how they felt like it is time for their family  to get baptized now. They were super happy to talk to us and all. They accepted the date for the 2 of May or until things calm down enough so that we can start to baptize people. 

Jackson cut up a pepper for an omelet, and he didn't realize he had bought a very HOT pepper which ended up burning his hand.
Also we called an old investigator se llama Nicanor. He is a 60 year old man and he is blind and he lives with all of his kids. He has one daughter that is a member and she is on a mission. He said that he wanted to get baptized but after she got back. She gets back May 13 so he put his date for the 16 of May. 

It has been going really good with the other people that we are teaching as well. The family Rivas, the family Castro, Victoria, Zabdi, and Gloria are all progressing very well and are reading the Book of Mormon every day because they have nothing else to do. 

To teach our people, we get on a conference call because we have two phones and we just teach the lessons over the phones. Because we have brick Nokia phones, we send links from YouTube videos to help us teach the lessons that the assistants send to us, so we are still finding effective ways to teach people. 

We have been surviving here; it just has been a little crazy and you feel cramped up after awhile. But the only thing that we can do is trust in the Lord. Sometimes we don't understand why the Lord lets really, really, really difficult and challenging things happen in our lives but something I have learned in the mission is to thank God for those difficult moments. Thanking God for hard things that happen to us is tough but it is just the refiner's fire helping us become people more like Christ which is one of the most important things in life.  
Image result for picture of christ lds
 Behold, great and marvelous are the aworks of the Lord. How bunsearchable are the depths of the cmysteries of him; and it is impossible that man should find out all his ways. And no man dknoweth of his eways save it be revealed unto him; wherefore, brethren, despise not the frevelations of God.

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