Week of October 21, 2019
(This week was a recording that Jackson sent to me and asked me to type it for him.)
Last week we had transfers. It was a very good week, let’s just say that. It was a very different week. Last P-day, we cleaned our room and we went and we slept. Then we went to a market and bought some cool jerseys. After we went and got Papa John’s for lunch. That night we had a farewell party for my comp because he got transferred. We went to the house of Edilady and Gustavo. Jamira came as well and so did Fiorella. They made us arepas which were super good. Arepas are a food from Venezuela, kind of like an empanada but a little bit different. It’s like a flat bread thing that is cooked on the stove and you cut it open and you put stuff in it. So good!
My new companion I got on Tuesday is Elder Nye. He is a beast. We worked super hard last week and found a lot of people. Last week we had district counsel and then we worked the whole week. First off, Saraih was going to get baptized. Her baptism was planned for Thursday and then Wednesday night her dad had an interview with the counselor and he is not able to baptize his daughter yet because he has some things he needs to work on. Saraih only wants her dad to baptize her. We tried to convince her mom to have one of the elders baptize her but that didn’t work. It was really frustrating.
We found a lot of people. We are teaching Jamira. She is doing super good. Everytime we go over to her house she makes us Venezuelan food which makes us happy. One time she made us pasta. She is happy for her baptism. We went to the farewell party for the Elder that was being transferred, her daughter came to that and she is super cool. Her daughter is 23 and we were able to break the ice with her and have a lesson with her. She wants to get baptized but says she isn’t ready because she is working a lot and she didn’t think she would have enough time.
We are teaching Luana who is the 10 year old girl. When we taught her she told us that her mom had been reading the Book of Mormon and that the scriptures we had given her to read, her mom was reading all of them. We had met her mom and dad and they were super cool people and they were fine with her getting baptized. We invited them to church and they said they would come but never did. So we had a lesson with her mom. Her mom told us that she has always felt an emptiness in her life but when she reads the Book of Mormon, she feels good. We invited her to get baptized and she accepted so she will be getting baptized the same day as her daughter on November 23rd.
There is a family that called us to visit them. They are the family Torres. They are a really cool family. They have an older daughter that has a dance class and doesn’t come to church very often. Their daughter has a boyfriend who got her pregnant. He has gone through some rough stuff in his life. We taught him and he really wants to change. His name is Michael and he is 20 years old. He accepted to be baptized the 23rd of November.
We found a lady that is a member but hasn’t been to church for awhile. She is super sick with diabetes and she asked us to give her a blessing. We went to her house and gave her a blessing. She has a son named Caesar that was never baptized and so we are teaching him right now. He’s going to be baptized the 23rd of November as well.
We are also teaching Josepe who is the friend of Fiorella. We are working with him to get baptized the 16th of November. He told us that he doesn’t really feed the need to get baptized so we will see.
At Edilady’s baptism, her aunt and cousins came and we were able to go and teach them. Her Aunt’s name is Angela and Angela’s children’s names are Camilla and Diego. Angela is also going through some hard times. She is separated from her husband that is in Venezuela and she is living here with her kids in Peru. She eats when she stresses. We told her that baptism will really help her family and her and her children accepted to be baptized on the 23rd of November as well. Angela and Camilla came to church on Sunday but Diego didn’t come. He slept in.
There was also another reference from a member. His name is Sebastian. We taught him last week. His parents were Jehovah’s Witnesses but they got excommunicated. We don’t know why. We had a lesson with him and Sebastian wanted to get baptized. We tried to have another lesson but he wasn’t home. So we are currently working with him.
In Peru they have what are called mototaxis which are like mini motorcycles. It has a cover on the outside and they are all over down here. They are a major part of the transportation system. One day we took one to get to a place and there was this guy that was from Venezuela that was our driver. We talked to him and then saw him again the next day and used his mototaxi again. As we were talking to him we invited him to church. He said that he would come. A lot of people say they will come to church so we didn’t think he would come. On Saturday we were walking in the street and he yelled, “Hey Shockley, I’m going to come to church.” We were excited because he was serious about coming. And he showed up on Sunday. His name is Franklin. We had a lesson with him after church. He is by himself here in Peru and he is trying to pay off some of his debts. Life is really hard for him but we are trying to help him. He also accepted a baptismal date of November 23rd.
It was a great week! Honestly it makes a big difference when you have a companion that has the same desires as you. Elder Nye is a great companion and is funny. Oh and also on Saturday we were playing football (soccer) with the zone. I’m ok at soccer but I’m not super good. I was playing and running and trying to stop the ball and I tripped on the ball and fell on my wrist. It kind of hurt. I kept playing and it started to hurt but I just kept working on Saturday. I finally went to the doctor yesterday because it was swollen and still hurt. I got x-rays and it is fractured. I actually broke the tip of the bone of my wrist.I have a little cast on. It is annoying but it is what it is. Just pray that it will get better.
So that is what happened this week. There were a lot of miracles. Elder Nye is a super good companion. I hope everyone has a good week!