Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Finally Miracles!

Well we finally had 2 great miracles this last week! The first was Yamira Gonzalez. She was a reference from online. Usually the references that I have received from the online missionary portal have not really been too great. But we just had her number when we received the reference. We called her but she didn't answer but later she started texting my companion and said that her dad and her sister were members in Venezuela. She said that she had gone online to ask for a Book of Mormon and that's how we received the reference. She accepted a date for the 9th of November. She also lives with her daughter and we are going to visit her this week. 

The other miracle was a contact from the street named Felix. He is a 26 year old man and he lives with his mom and his brothers. He was going to play professional soccer but he did drugs and it messed up his life.  This week is the baptism of Edileidy and she's doing good and progressing well. The dad of Saraih has been a little difficult with getting him to attend church but we finally set a date with her on the 27 of October. We are also teaching a family of 5 that attended general conference. They are super close with accepting a date but if everyone can pray for the family Oceda that would help a TON! I hope everyone has a great week!

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