Well transfers have arrived again. My companion is getting transferred to open up a new area for his last 3 weeks of his mission. It was a good transfer with Elder Alcas. He was super goofy and always keeping me laughing. I was able to learn to always have a good time and a good attitude about things. Sometimes I was a little too serious but my companion sure helped me a lot this transfer.
My new companion is Elder Nye. He was in the MTC here in Lima with Elder Huff. Also when I was in Surco, he was in the same zone and he was in the area right next to us, and I had gone on a split with him so we already know each other pretty good.
This last week we had the baptism of Edileidy and it went super well. A lot of the young woman came and supported her and she was very happy. The church was able to help her out a lot.
She is from Venezuela and living her with her brother but she was really lonely. The members really just took her in and she now has a lot of friends in the church.
Yamira is progressing very well. Last week when we went to visit her, she had a notebook and she had taken 2 pages of notes on Alma 32 the chapter that we had left her to read. She also loves the church a lot. The relief society is also doing a great job at taking her in.
Saraih is finally going to get baptized this Thursday after about a month of working with her inactive dad to try and get him to go to church so that he could baptize her.
Last week we found 2 new people. One was a 10 year old girl that has been to church 6 times and she has come with this family in our ward and the last Sunday she comes up to us and says that she wants to get baptized so we're like we need to visit her. So we visit her and her parents and they are totally fine with her getting baptized. The parents are not interested at all but the girl is. Her name is Luana Roman. She is very smart as well. We left her with a chapter to read in the Book of Mormon and she completely understood everything.
The other person that we found was Josephy. He is a friend of Fiorella, the recent convert from 4 weeks ago. He has come to church 2 times after he saw her baptism and we visited him and invited him to get baptized but he told us that he wasn't ready yet but the other day he told Fiorella that he was ready and he accepted a date, the 16 of November.
We were teaching Felix as well from last week but during the middle of the week he told us that one of his family members died and that he couldn't come to the lesson. He said that he was going to come to church on Sunday but he never did and he won't answer. So please pray for Felix that he will feel peace and comfort in this time of his life.
I hope everyone has a great week!
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